Montag, 9. Dezember 2013

Flavia de Luce Special - Interview mit Alan Bradley

Hallo meine Lieben,

kennt ihr schon die Flavia de Luce - Bücher von Alan Bradley?? Falls nicht, holt sie euch und lest sie, ich liebe sie geradezu. Sie handeln von der 11-jährigen Flavia de Luce, ihreszeichens Hobbydetektivin. Wunderbar, clever und absolut liebenswert UND sie hat ein Faible für Gifte^^

Ich durfte ein Interview mit dem wundervollen Autor Alan Bradley führen, das ihr hier lesen könnt:

Bild: Copyright bei Jeff Bassett

1) Who or what inspired you to the Flavia story?
Flavia was a gift from the universe. She appeared suddenly in the middle of another book I was trying to write, and simply took over!
Now here we are, six years and six books later, and she's still in charge.

2) At what time of day/night do you like to write your stories?
I like to start early: about 4:30 a.m. The reason for this is that when we first began, Flavia lived in 1950's England, and existed on GMT, while I, by contrast,
lived on the west coast of Canada, and was about 9 hours behind her. She was usually begging to get to work just when I was ready for bed! We finally had to
negotiate a time during which we were both awake. Now, even though I'm in the UK, and we're both in the same time zone, we still start very early, simply out of habit.

3) Which character in the Flavia books is most similar to you?
Flavia, probably. I had two older sisters and was pretty well left to amuse myself. But I was also a voracious reader, like Daffy, a bit of a stamp collector, like Colonel de Luce.
Some people claim that all characters are fragments of their author, and I suppose it's true - even the villains!

4) What does it feel like to hold your published book in the hands for the first time?
It is indescribably gratifying to hold the finished book in your hand. After thousands of hours of work, to finally see the finished volume, is a very happy moment. It is also a very sad one.
The German editions, from Penhaligon, are so beautifully produced that it's like holding a fine gem. I keep them in front of me as I'm working to remind myself why I go on writing.
5) How long does it take to write a Flavia story?
On average, somewhere between 9 and 15 months.
6) What was your favorite book as a child?
Favourite book? I had so many of them! As a boy I loved books that told you how to do something: how to make a periscope, or a windmill; how to bind a book or build and airplane.
Not that you ever got around to doing it, of course, but you could spend so many happy hours dreaming about it.

7) Whichs things makes you happy?
Ah, what a great question! Cats...books...quiet...learning...meeting Flavia fans. I'm easy to please!

8) Who has the pleasure to read your books first after completion?
My wife, Shirley, who should really be at the head of the things that make me happy. She reads the completed manuscript and makes me feel good by laughing and crying in
all the right places. After that, my agent and my editors in London, New York, Toronto and Munich are encouraged to tear into it.

9) Do you also have a passion for poisons? :)
No. Well, yes...maybe I do, after all. I have compiled thousands of pages of research on poisons before Flavia ever appeared. I hope that one day she will put them in order
and publish them with her own comments. It would be great fun!

10) The Story combines everything I love in books. Strong charakters, mysterious story,
english location. Why did you choose Buckshaw?
Flavia arrived at my fingertips complete: like Athena is said to have sprung fully formed from the brow of Zeus.
Flavia appeared fully equipped with family, home, village, neighbours, church, and so on. All I had to do was to provide the typing fingers.
But also, I have always enjoyed reading about English history, with a special interest in English villages, folklore, customs, eccentric characters. It has provided me
with an unexpectedly deep well of curiosities to draw upon. It surprises even me to see what comes up!

Außerdem soll ich euch von dem absolut sympathischen Alan Bradley folgendes ausrichten:

"my warmest wishes for a "Happy Weihnachten!" to all of Flavia's wonderful fans in Germany"

Ich hoffe ihr hattet an dem Interview genauso viel Spaß wie ich. Noch mehr Spaß werdet ihr mit den Büchern selbst haben und so als kleiner Tipp: Die Bücher geben klasse Weihnachtsgeschenke ab ^^zwinker!!!!

Diese Flavia Bücher sind bisher beim Penhaligon Verlag erschienen:
zu den Büchern kommt ihr HIER

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5. Flavia de Luce - Schlussakkord für einen Mord

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Ein neuer Fall für die brillante Flavia!